Video Marketing, Layouts Design
As a UX UI designer at a video marketing start-up, I was charged with developing new layouts
based on a technology of making videos interactive. The challenge was to make things
that have not been seen before, and understand how to attract people to cooperate with them.
Developing new layouts challenged me as a designer as follows:
Exposing as much of the video as possible while showing our commercial content
Making all our buttons proportionally sized to the video ratio, while being templates, and responsive
Keeping the growth and shrink of our content in HD visual quality while remaining responsive.
UX Challenges:
- Giving the menu button the position and size that will attract the eye,
- Designing five options of the amount of icons being used, (1-5), in a responsive space,
- Allowing nine different positions for the buttons to appear in the video responsive space Including labels,
- Original css animation
Icons Design System Controlled by user
Mobile version
Custom Code Optional


Mobile Version